Letters sent to FBF
Phyllis Beck
General counsel to the Barnes Foundation
I read with interest Evelyn Yaari's recent piece about "access" to the Barnes Foundation. While Ms. Yaari makes some interesting proposals, her solutions are not as simple as they seem. More
Brian Gordon, Esq.
Commissioner, 12th Ward, Merion
As the Commissioner from Merion (Ward 12), I would like to respond to the Honorable Phyllis Beck's letter to your paper, published on February 14, 2008. More
Edith H. Saltzberg
To assert that "some of the same people" who wanted the Barnes to remain as Dr. Barnes intended in the 1990's are still fighting to keep it that way today should not be a surprise to anyone, but to blame them for the financial mismanagement that led to the draining of the endowment of the foundation, as Phyllis Beck does in her (Feb. 14) letter to the Main Line Times, is unjust in the extreme. More
Robert Zaller
Bala Cynwyd
Phyllis Beck's letter in response to Evelyn Yaari's recent article about the Barnes Foundation is replete with the evasions and distortions that unfortunately characterize the Foundation's public statements about its proposed move. More
Email: barnesfriends@comcast.net
Write: 7615 St. Martin’s Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19118
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